How do I join

Who can join the scheme?

Your Employer has full discretion as to who can join the pension scheme. There may be an eligibility period before you can join the scheme which means you may have to work for your Employer for a certain period of time before you are eligible to join.

Please refer to the Member Booklet for the eligibility rules that apply to your pension scheme, or email

However, you don’t have to join the scheme. If you decide not to join the scheme on the date you first become eligible, you may only be able to join at a later date, at the Trustee’s discretion, and with the agreement of your Employer.

Can I leave the scheme once I have joined?

If you join the scheme and later wish to leave, but remain an employee, you must give one month’s notice to the Trustee. If you leave, contributions will cease but your Members Account will remain invested and will remain subject to the rules of the scheme. You will not be able to take benefits from the scheme at this time, or take a refund of the value attributable to your contributions.

If you later wish to re-enter the scheme, it will only be permitted at the  Trustee’s discretion and with the agreement of your Employer.

See also ‘Leaving Service’ if you cease to be an employee: